Counterparts is an interactive installation on the topic of virtual identities and loss of control in the digital realm.
I was the technical lead on this project and created custom software using openFrameworks for:
- projection mapping on 3D surfaces with multiple projectors
tracking (based on multiple depth/RGB-D cameras)
- interactive visuals with lots of fun glitchy GLSL shaders
All of this reacted to visitor’s movements in real time. I also went back to my past experience in digital fabrication and built a setup to planarize arbitrary meshes for real-world fabrication with a CNC mill.
Concept Direction : Paula Schwabe
Technical Direction: Marcel Ruegenberg
Producer: Philipp Monjoie | Paula Schwabe
Music: Chiara Strickland
Sound Design: Marc Fragstein
Face Tracking: Benjamin Wingert
Intro Motion Design: Martin Boué | Jörg Kahlhöfer
Production Design/Build:
Nico Bühler
Maximilian Servais
Philipp Schlüeer
Anne Reuter
Jana Beyer
Camera: Simeon Herrmann | Sebastian Weitbrecht